Monday, February 18, 2013

Chapter 14

Happy monday to everyone of you. In case mondays can ever really be happy.

So Valentine's Day has come and gone. Is it like any other day for you or do you host Anti-Valentine's-shindigs cause the shmaltzy bullshit pisses you off?
Or maybe you're one of those that actually enjoy some lovey-dovey time with their other half.
Rachel finds that falling in love changes her focus significantly. If for better or worse, you decide.

Give today's episode a listen.


Monday, February 4, 2013

Chapter 13

Hello there,

every now and then, all of us feel like taking a break from reality. Escaping into a world far off from all the things going on outside, away from all hardships and the turmoil. If you swim out to far though, you can get lost and might never come back, caught up in this little world inside of you. Rachel'd have preferred to stay in the void forevermore, but she can't.

What she finds at her return could not have been more of a surprise.
To find out what it is that awaits her, you merely need to click here and listen.
